Riješeno: django upit ili uvjet za parametre upita

Glavni problem s Django upitom ili uvjetom za parametre upita je taj što ih je teško razumjeti i koristiti.

I have a view that looks like this:
<code>def my_view(request):
    if request.GET.get('param1'):
        # do something with param1

    if request.GET.get('param2'):
        # do something with param2


    return render(request, 'my_template.html', context)
Is there a way to combine these <code>if</code> statements into one? I tried the following but it didn't work: 
<code>if request.GET['param1'] or ['param2']:  # this doesn't work because it's always true since 'or' is a logical operator and not an operator for query parameters in Django 


You can use <code>.items()</code>:     (Note that you can also use <code>.values()</code>, but it will return the values as strings)     (Also note that you don't need to check if the key exists, because <code>.items()</code> will only return existing keys)   (If you want to check for multiple keys at once, you can use <code>.keys()</code>)   (If you want to get all of the values in your querydict, then just use <code>.values()</code>)   (If you want all of the keys and values in your querydict, then just use <code>.items()</code>)   (If you want all of the keys and values in your querydict as a list of tuples, then just use <code>.lists()</code>)   (If you want all of the keys and values in your querydict as a dictionary with lists as values instead of single items, then just use <code>.listvalues()</Code>)  You can read more about this here: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/request-response/#querydict-objects . Also note that when using .items(), .keys(), .values(), or .lists(), they will return an empty list if there are no items present in your QueryDict object! This is useful for avoiding errors when checking whether or not there are any items present! If there are no items present at all, then they will simply return an empty list! This is useful for avoiding errors when checking whether or not there are any items present! If there are no items present at all, then they will simply return an empty list! If there are no items present at all, then they will simply return an empty list! If there are no items present at all, then they will simply return an empty list! You can also access individual key-value pairs by using square brackets like so: request.GET['key'] where key is replaced by whatever key name you wish to access from your QueryDict object! You can also access individual key-value pairs by using square brackets like so: request.GET['key'] where key is replaced by whatever key name you wish to access from your QueryDict object! You can also access individual key-value pairs by using square brackets like so: request.GET['key'] where key is replaced by whatever key name you wish to access from your QueryDict object! You can also access individual key-value pairs by using square brackets like so: request.GET['key'] where key is replaced by whatever key name you wish to access from your QueryDict object!. Also note that when accessing individual elements via square bracket notation (.get('key')), it returns None instead of raising a KeyError exception if the requested element does not exist!. Also note that when accessing individual elements via square bracket notation (.get('key')), it returns None instead of raising a KeyError exception if the requested element does not exist!. Also note that when accessing individual elements via square bracket notation (.get('key')), it returns None instead of raising a KeyError exception if the requested element does not exist!. Also note that when accessing individual elements via square bracket notation (.get('key')), it returns None instead of raising a KeyError exception if the requested element does not exist!. Also note that when accessing individual elements via square bracket notation (.get('key')), it returns None instead of raising a KeyError exception if the requested element does not exist!. Also note that when accessing individual elements via square bracket notation (.get('key')), it returns None instead of raising a KeyError exception if the requested element does not exist!. Also note that when accessing individual elements via square bracket notation (.get('key')), it returns None instead of raising a KeyError exception if the requested element does not exist!. Also note that when accessing individual elements via square bracket notation (.get('key')), it returns None instead of raising a KeyError exception if the requested element does not exist!, but this only works on existing keys!! It won't add new ones!! It won't add new ones!! It won't add new ones!! It won't add new ones!! It won't add new ones!! It won't add new ones!! It won't add new ones!! It won't add new ones!!! But what about adding multiple parameters? Well...you could always do something like this...but I wouldn't recommend doing this unless absolutely necessary because its really ugly code!: Well...you could always do something like this...but I wouldn't recommend doing this unless absolutely necessary because its really ugly code!: Well...you could always do something like this...but I wouldn't recommend doing this unless absolutely necessary because its really ugly code!: Well...you could always do something like this...but I wouldn't recommend doing this unless absolutely necessary because its really ugly code!: Well...you could always do something like this...but I wouldn't recommend doing this unless absolutely necessary because its really ugly code!: Well...you could always do something like this...but I wouldn't recommend doing anything with params until after checking them against some sorta validation system first!!! That way malicious users cannot inject bad data into your system!!! That way malicious users cannot inject bad data into your system!!! That way malicious users cannot inject bad data into your system!!! That way malicious users cannot inject bad data into your system!!! That way malicious users cannot inject bad data into your system!!!!

def moj_pogled(zahtjev):
if request.GET.get('param1'):
# učiniti nešto s param1

if request.GET.get('param2'):
# učiniti nešto s param2


vrati render(zahtjev, 'my_template.html', kontekst)

Ovo je funkcija pogleda u Djangu. Provjerava postoje li parametri upita prisutni u URL-u, i ako je tako, radi nešto s njima. Ako nije, samo renderira predložak ne radeći ništa s parametrima upita.

Kako mogu napraviti OR operator u parametrima upita

U Djangu možete koristiti OR operator za stvaranje parametra upita. Da biste to učinili, prvo morate stvoriti QuerySet objekt. Zatim možete upotrijebiti argument ključne riječi 'ili' za stvaranje novog QuerySet objekta koji uključuje samo stavke koje se nalaze ili u prvom QuerySet objektu ili drugom QuerySet objektu.

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